All Announcements

Introducing Inbox Zero: Your zen sanctuary

New Feature


We understand the daily struggle of managing overflowing inboxes. That's why we've been hard at work developing a solution that empowers you to reclaim control.


Here's what’s new:

🔖 Mark them Done: We've replaced the 'Archive' button with 'Done,' making it more intuitive to keep your inbox clutter-free. Finished dealing with an email? Just mark it Done!

🏆 Achieve Nirvana: Look for the fulfilling reward when you reach the coveted state of Inbox Zero. It's more than just a clean inbox; it's a moment of Zen in your digital world.

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Use Canary Mail’s game-changing features like Snooze, Bulk Cleaner, Unsubscribe, Block, Rules and many more to achieve Inbox Zero.